Thursday, May 21, 2020

Time Capsule Anthology Project

History is rarely seen through the eyes of teens. Yet, everyone has a story to tell about what this unusual time in history means for his or her daily life. How have you been impacted by the recent pandemic? Southwick Public Library is creating an anthology of your experiences surrounding the health situation. Did it impact your friendships, relationships, events you were looking forward to, or maybe not looking forward to? Share your story, poem or even cartoon with us by sending us a letter directed to YA Specialist, or use the google form HERE. Below,  you can check out the YA Librarian’s own high school experience with a certain major event in history, and get prompt ideas to start writing your own story. Your story is a time capsule, be a voice in history.
Students in grades 7-12 may submit anonymously, and we may change names to protect those in your story.  Letters can be sent in the mail to:
Southwick Public Library
 95 Feeding Hills Rd.
Southwick MA 01077
C/O YA Specialist

Write anything you like, but if you would like inspiration, here are some prompt questions:
What do you remember about your last day before school closed?
What does distance learning look like for you? How do you feel about it?
How has this impacted you personally?
How has this impacted the US and the world?
How have relationships changed in your life?
How do you think this will impact the future?

 Southwick Library Teen Babysitting Sessions 3/18 & 24th 3-6   This course will teach teens the basics of babysitting in two three-hour ...